About Me

My photo
Just another girl trying to shed some pounds..

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Weight Loss + Twitter

Lost 2 pounds.
Now I'm 105lb.
Still very depressed.
Need to become 100lb again as soon as possible.

I opened a twitter account.
Follow me. I'll follow back. :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

This is Beautiful. She is Beautiful.

I wish I was too.


I'm going to change the layout and everything.
Time for a fresh start.
This time it's going to be better, I promise.
And this time I intend to keep my promise! :D

Regular posts, updates, thinspo, tips, tricks and all that good stuff!
Here's a LOLcat to cheer you up! Well, it certainly cheers me up....

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

16/12/2011 (15 days till 2012)


Drink 8 glasses of water
Take Multivitamin supplement
Drink green tea
Sleep 8 Hours


I'm Back!

I wuz bad i hide now
but, NOO MOWR!

Yeah, I'm back and for real!
I was gone for two months.
I had major exam. I pigged out, didn't blog.....
Ugh I missed my blog. I always pig out when I stop blogging.
I learned my lesson. Hopefully it won't happen anymore.

I intend to be 96 Pounds by the end of April.
If I keep blogging, keep my self motivated it will keep from being lazy and pigging out.
I know I can reach My goal I know it in my heart. I did it before and I can do it again, maybe even better. Hell, it will  be better!


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Colleen Corby


  • White Bread (It's the devil )
  • Suger or anything with added sugar(let it be caloriefree or not) e.g. Soft drinks, cookies etc.
  • Coco powder/ Chocolate flavored anything

Weight Update

100 lbs
I want to be 98lb in 7 days

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

10 Days Challenge: 21 September (Day01)

Intake: None

Total Calories: 00

Exercise: None

Drink 8 glasses of water
Take Multivitamin supplement
Drink green tea
Sleep 8 Hours

CW: 103lb

10 Days Challenge: 21 September - 30 September

21 - Fast
22 - 700
23 - 700
24 - 700
25 - 700
26 - 700
27 - 700
28 - 700
29 - 700
30 - Fast
All calories will come from vegan, low-fat, added-suger-free sources.
Goal: 99 Pounds
I will update everyday how it goes.

I better stop stuffing myself with greasy sickly sweet junks. After all, you are what you eat.
(So, don't eat nuts or fruits, jk)

Because It's beautiful...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I don't Know

Vegan (Again)

I was vegan for 1 year until last few month. Family pressure made me change my way.
Being vegan changed my  eating habits. I liked the way my body felt. Now I've become vegan again.
My house is full of junk food. I have to go to grocery store to get some healthy vegan foods.
I'll post some vegan recipe that I like.
Eating junk food for last 3 weeks made me gain SO MUCH! I was 96lb Now I'm 105lb
I'm gonna lose 5lb in one month By the time 18 October I'll be 100lb
One month only healthy foods (Sorry Nutella)

Friday, August 26, 2011


30 Days Challenge: Day 26: D26M8Y2011

Cashews - 250 Calories
Homemade sugar-free low-fat chocolate cookies - 200 Calories
Mushrooms - 100 Calories
Skim Milk - 100 Calories

Total Calories: 650

Exercise: None

Drink 8 glasses of water
Take Multivitamin supplement
Drink green tea
Sleep 8 Hours


On Top Of The World

30 Days Challenge: Day 25: D23M8Y2011

Total Calories: 900

Exercise: 30 Minutes Cardio

Drink 8 glasses of water
Take Multivitamin supplement
Drink green tea
Sleep 8 Hours


30 Days Challenge: Day 24: D24M8Y2011

Total Calories: 1000

Exercise: None

Drink 8 glasses of water
Take Multivitamin supplement
Drink green tea
Sleep 8 Hours


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Saturday, August 20, 2011

30 Days Challenge: Day20: D20M8Y2011

Sweet potato - 100 Calories
Mushrooms - 80
Green peas - 350 Calories
Banana - 150 Calories
Skim milk with rice puffs - 200 Calories
Total Calories: 880

Exercise: None

Drink 8 glasses of water
Take Multivitamin supplement
Drink green tea
Sleep 8 Hours

CW: 99lb


30 Days Challenge: Day19: D19M8Y2011

Total Calories: 1025

Exercise: None

Drink 8 glasses of water
Take Multivitamin supplement
Drink green tea
Sleep 8 Hours

CW: 99lb

Friday, August 19, 2011



Ruslana Korshunova

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

30 Days Challenge: Day 17: D15M8Y2011

Intake: 2000 Calories
Exercise: None

Been so depressed lately. And I use food to comfort me. :(
But past is past!
Tomorrow is a new day.
CW: 100lb

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

30 Days Challenge: Day 16: D15M8Y2011

Total Calories -1400


Drink 8 glasses of water
Take Multivitamin supplement
Drink green tea
Sleep 8 Hours

CW: 98lb

Monday, August 15, 2011

Good Morning

30 Days Challenge: Day 15: D15M8Y2011

Sweet Potato - 150 Calories
Weet-Bix Apricot Bites - 700 Calories
1/4 Pomegranate 30 Calories
Almonds - 462 Calories
Cabbage - 60 Calories
Total Calories -1402

30 Minutes of light cardio

Drink 8 glasses of water
Take Multivitamin supplement
Drink green tea
Sleep 8 Hours

CW: 98lb

Sunday, August 14, 2011


They left out Zero Trans Fats, Diet, Light, Sugar free, Zero Calorie foods.
Zero Trans Fats - High in saturated fat and/or high in sodium/sugar e.g. Pringles
Diet/ Zero Calorie - Food/drink with tons of chemical additives, little to none nutritional value and fiber e.g. Diet cokes
Light - Most of the time they are small in proportion and packaging is filled with air making them low in calories in per serving. In reality you need to eat more of the light versions then you would eat the original versions.
Sugar free - Artificial sweetener. Many studies has shown they harm heath in the long run. Sugar free items can also be high in fat.

So what would be best to do is first read the ingredients and then the nutrition value values like carbs, sugar from carbs, fat - saturated fat , trans fat , sodium, protein , dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. then lastly calories.

Many processed low in nutrition foods these days are low in calories/fat/sugar tricks people thinking they are healthy, even when they contain artificial sugar, hydrogenated oil, white curbs. Healthy foods such as whole grains, raw nuts, fresh fruits are comparatively high in calories/fat/sugar then the processed foods but they they keep you fuller longer and not as addictive as processed ones. So ultimately you eat less calories in a day without feeling unsatisfied. Plus, they are highly nutrition dense, keeps you body healthy.

30 Days Challenge: Day 14: D14M8Y2011

1/3 Pomegranate 40 Calories
Almonds - 230 Calories
Aplen Light Bars - 2 Bars - 295 Calories
Light Tuna in Spring Water - 200 Calories
Mushrooms - 80 Calories
Skim Milk - 100 Calories
Total Calories: 945


Drink 8 glasses of water
Take Multivitamin supplement
Drink green tea
Sleep 8 Hours

CW: 99lb

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Anything Goes

When You're Thin

30 Days Challenge: Day 13: D13M8Y2011

Fruit Salad - 200 Calories
Sweet Potato - 150 Calories
Dark Chocolate - 300 Calories
Mushrooms - 80 Calories
Cauliflowers - 70 Calories
Skim Milk - 100 Calories
Total Calories: 900 Calories

30 Minutes light cardio.

Drink 8 glasses of water
Take Multivitamin supplement
Drink green tea
Sleep 8 Hours

CW: 100lb


elie saab

30 Days Challenge: Day 12: D12M8Y2011

1200 Calories

Drink 8 glasses of water
Take Multivitamin supplement
Green tea
Sleep 8 Hours

CW: 100lb 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


30 Days Challenge: Day 10: D10M8Y2011

2650 Calories today!

Damn you, cookies!
I wanted to eat around 1000 calories everyday.
Day1-Day10 I have consumed total 12704, where I planned to eat 10000 Calories. Extra 2704 Calories. If I eat next 5 days 2296 calories total then I will have 1000 calorie average for Day1-Day 15.
I plan to eat mostly vegetable, mushrooms, green tea and drink lots of water in next 5 days.
Um...I will try my best this time....heck! I WILL do it right this time!